
For the patient, the question is always delicate, and the advice will be more discreet and humble. Several genes can indeed affect patients. They can be aesthetic, psychological or even physical and manifest themselves when wearing clothes, playing sports, etc.

Objective: Correct hypertrophy of the labia minora (nymphs), obtain a harmonious and natural effect, and restore freedom of movement.

Procedure: This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local or general anesthesia. The surgeon will perform a fold or longitudinal resection of the excess depending on the patient’s anatomy and needs. The sutures are made with absorbable thread, and the scars are invisible because they are hidden.
In some cases, the problem will be a pubic bone that is too “fat”, resulting in the unsightly relief of the Venus mount. Liposuction, under local anesthesia, is possible at this level for very natural results. However, it should be noted that, given the high vascularity of the pubic and suprapubic fat, significant postoperative bruising with significant edema occurred almost systematically. Patients should be aware of this because this “eggplant” appearance may worry them, these small inconveniences are easily overcome by anti-inflammatory treatment and the application of ice compresses.

Post-operative care: It is always simple and not very painful. At most, there may be some discomfort when walking and pants should be avoided for the first week after surgery. Professional activities can be resumed two days after the operation.

Results: Immediate appearance and final appearance 2 to 3 months after complete disappearance of the edema.

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