Hair micropigmentation

Hair micropigmentation (HMP) is a non-surgical method of hair restoration that involves the application of pigment to the scal p to give the appearance of hair follicles.

In a hair micropigmentation procedure, a practitioner uses a special tattoo machine and very fine needles to apply pigment to the scalp. The practitioner works on specific areas of the scalp where hair is absent or sparse, and applies the pigments in small dots to simulate the appearance of hair follicles.

The MPC technique can be used for a variety of applications, such as densifying existing hair, covering scars on the scalp, and recreating hairlines for those with advanced baldness. The pigments used are specially formulated to replicate the natural appearance of the hair and can be customized to match each patient’s hair color and texture.

The advantage of the MPC technique is that it is non-invasive, does not require recovery time and can produce instant results. However, it is important to note that the results are not permanent and the pigments may fade over time, requiring regular touch-ups to maintain the appearance of simulated hair.

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