Dental Whitening

Teeth can change color for various reasons, such as aging, genetic factors or lifestyle (coffee, tea, tobacco, wine, drugs…). If the cleaning and detaching process does not are not working, whitening may be the solution. In cosmetic dentistry aesthetic dentistry, tooth whitening allows the color of the enamel and dentin to be lightened enamel and dentin by means of a peroxide-based gel. of hydrogen. These products act by demineralizing the layer surface of the enamel. It is also possible to lighten by means of a high-energy lamp or a laser.

This treatment is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, or for people suffering from gum disease or gum disease or people allergic to peroxide. Bleaching takes place in one or two sessions of 20 to 90 minutes and is painless. It is recommended to avoid drinking which may cause discoloration immediately after treatment.

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It is natural to want to be yourself.
